Leadership Training Program
Leadership Training Program
Great things can be accomplished at camp when we work together as a team. To learn to be a good leader, you must first learn to be a good follower. Our Lord said the greatest among us is the servant.
This needs to be the heartbeat of every volunteer staff member. The goal of the Leadership Training Program is not to produce dictators that bark out orders, but servant leaders who can see a need and rally those around them to see that task accomplished.
Download LTP ApplicationBeing able to sit under strong preaching every day for the whole summer and also learning a wide variety of skills has enabled me to mature and be prepared for the next stage of my life. - Summer Staff Member
Leadership Skills
From the moment groups arrive on property to the very end of camp, help is needed with collecting registration, administering medication, entering decision cards, and a host of other office responsibilities. Volunteers are able to use technical and organizational skills to keep the camp running smoothly.
Campers come with a healthy appetite and the cooks enjoy preparing balanced meals to feed their hungry appetites. But cooking for upwards of 250 people at a time is no easy task!
Being part of the kitchen staff offers great training in:
- Meal preparation
- Time management
- Efficiency
- Cleanliness
- Working in a team
- Managing a team
- Preparing delicious meals on a budget.
For those that have not yet visited Kyte River, their view of the campgrounds is strictly through the lens of our camera. Being able to capture moments in real time to be able to share with parents, pastors and Sunday school teachers back home takes real talent.
We hope to help teach and train those interested in this field:
- How to capture good pictures and footage
- How to edit videos and slideshows
- How to design flyers
All of these skills are used to keep people connected to the camp...especially for that mom looking to stay connected to her child who is away from home for the very first time!
Christ-honoring music is a vital part of the camp program. Nothing prepares a person’s heart for a service like music.
We strive to raise the quality of the special music each year with new arrangements and instruments. If God has blessed you in this area, prayerfully consider coming, knowing you will have a vital role in preparing the camper’s hearts for the preaching of God’s Word.
Through the competitions and activities, the staff are able to incorporate life skills and mentor younger campers. Many of the campers look up to the camp staff as role models. Their work ethic and spirit are contagious, spreading a good attitude throughout the camp.
There's an endless list of possible activities that the camp staff are involved in. Not only in the children's camps, but also teen camps and adult retreats. Our camp director does an excellent job training the camp staff and then allowing them to use their creativity and skills to enhance the fun activity schedule at camp.
In order to keep up with the wonderful campground God has given us, constant maintenance is needed on the buildings and great care and attention to detail is also needed to keep the property well groomed.
For those that love the outdoors, helping with our buildings and grounds maintenance staff gives an individual a working knowledge in:
- Housekeeping
- Carpentry
- Plumbing
- Electrical
- Vehicle maintenance
- Equipment maintenance
- Landscaping
- Care of trees, bushes, and flowers
As an individual’s knowledge enhances, they will also be taught how to manage a team of their own.

- 16+ years old
- Born-again Christian
- Desire to serve the Lord
- Commitment to serve the entire summer
- Bedding, clothes, toiletries, snacks, spending money
- Christian atmosphere
- All meals and lodging for free
- 1 free Teen Week (16-19 years old)
- Godly influence of peers and leaders
- Daily scheduled devotional time and preaching
- Weekly attendance of church services and soulwinning at an area church
Download, complete, and submit this form to info@kyteriver.com.