Spanish Camp 2024

El campamento de la familia fue de gran bendición. Gracias a Dios tuvimos un buen tiempo durante las actividades, el clima estuvo super bien y la comida estuvo excelente. Sin duda Dios uso al Evangelista Carlos Chacon durante las predicaciones en este campamento. | Read More...

Bible Memory

At Kyte River we want our campers to have fun, but, more importantly, we desire for each camper to grow closer to God. During a designated time slot every day, campers take time to memorize Scripture. #KRRC24 #PrimaryJuniorCamp2024 | Read More...

'Tis the Season!

It's the season for giving, and Kyte River Revival Campgrounds would be incredibly grateful if you would consider giving to the camp this Christmas! | Read More...

Thinking Warm Thoughts

As the weather is getting colder and the days are getting shorter, close your eyes and remember a time when the sun was bright and warm and people were together outside playing games, fellowshipping, having cookouts, and enjoying being in God's creation... | Read More...


As Thanksgiving quickly approaches, let us stop for a moment and thank God for the major blessings at Kyte River Revival Campgrounds. God has allowed KRRC to relocate and expand, allowing an environment where spiritual growth can thrive. | Read More...

New Addition!

Thank you to all the churches and individuals that financially support the camp. We were able to finish our third boy's cabin. The Lord has been so good to us. We can't wait to pack out all the cabins next year. | Read More...

Men's Retreat 2023

These are some pictures of our Men's Retreat 2023.We enjoyed the time of fellowship and preaching from Pastor William Howe. | Read More...

Ladies' Retreat 2023

Ladies' Retreat has been such a blessing. Our theme this year was 'Praise the Lord.' Mrs. O'Donnell taught about know and appreciating the Shepherd. #KRRC23 #LadiesretreatKRRC23 | Read More...

God is so good!

Amen!! God has been so good to us this summer. Enjoy this short clip of Juniors and Teens praising the Lord. | Read More...

God showed up!

"Planted to Bear Fruit" Pictures cannot explain what we have experienced at Teen Week 2: great, hot preaching, hour-long invitations, teens broken-hearted over sin willing to repent and get right with God... PLEASE, PRAY FOR THESE TEENS AS THEY CARRY THIS REVIVAL BACK TO THEIR HOME CHURCHES. | Read More...

Family Camp 2023

We are enjoying a great time of fun and fellowship with God's people. Pray for Preacher Gomez as he preaches to us on the needy subject of the family and the home. #KRRC23 #FamilyCamp23KRRC | Read More...

Bus Kids Camp

We kicked off Bus Kids' Camp with Brother Medi giving a testimony about how he was reached through the bus ministry and is now serving the Lord. The kids have been having fun and enjoying their time at KRRC. | Read More...

Primary/Junior Camp

These kids are already loving Primary/Junior Camp 2023!! It's fun to see the kids getting involved in the activities from Bible Quiz to Capture the Flag!! Also, many great decisions were made through the preaching. #KRRC23 #KRRCPrimaryJuniorcamp | Read More...

Young Adults' Retreat 2023

We had a great start for the summer with our Young Adults' Retreat. Pray for Brother Caleb and Jaclyn Rardin as they speak this weekend. #KRRC2023 #KRRCYoungAdults23 #ComeandSeetheWorksofGod23 | Read More...

Camp's Wishlist 2023

A new camp season is coming up and we are looking forward to what God has planned in 2023 for Kyte River Revival Campgrounds! | Read More...

2023 Promotional Video

Summer Camps are here, and Kyte River is a great option for a fun and meaningful experience. Come and see what God can do for you! Enjoy this promotional video for our 2023 camp. #KRRC2023 #ComeandSee2023 | Read More...


In many years as camp director, the Lord has allowed Brother Todd to impact many thousands of lives. It is always a blessing to see former campers grow up to serve the Lord and return as counselors. | Read More...

Flashback - Ladies Retreat 2022

Ladies Retreat 2023 - Last year was an amazing experience with phenomenal classes and lots of fun activities. Make sure to schedule July 27 - 29 and join us for an unforgettable retreat!! SIGN UP NOW. … #KRRCLadiesRetreat2023 | Read More...

Old Paths 2022

What a great finish to the conference!! Starting off the day with a message from Pastor Anglea, then having the rest of the day for a time of fun and fellowship. Let us continue on the Old Paths! | Read More...

Men's Retreat 2022

Men's Retreat is here!!! Men are already shooting, practicing for all the competitions we will hold throughout the retreat. Pray for Pastor Doug Cassel as he preaches this weekend. | Read More...

Ladies' Retreat 2022

These are some pictures of our Ladies' Retreat 2022. You can tell the ladies were enjoying this time of relaxation and fellowship. Special thanks to the Taft sisters for providing a mini-spa and believing that Christian ladies deserve to be pampered. | Read More...

Teen Week 1

At Kyte River Revival Campgrounds, we believe that God is still looking for willing hearts to make a difference in this generation. We appreciate the opportunity to invest in the lives of young people. DECISIONS FROM TEEN WEEK 1: | Read More...

Introducing the Keith Gomez Tabernacle

In honor of Pastor Gomez' vision to start a camp ministry, we dedicate the camp tabernacle as the Keith Gomez Tabernacle. On the path to the tabernacle, campers can learn about a man whose life was transformed at camp and desires to see the same happen to others. | Read More...

The Brand New Chapel of Kyte River!

We are glad to announce that the new chapel at Kyte River Revival Campgrounds is now finished and ready for the upcoming 2022 summer camps! A new road (with lights along the road) was also built which leads to the new chapel. | Read More...

Men's Retreat

The men definitely came prepared, packed and loaded with their favorite "toys"! Many brought their guns, bows, fishing poles, and other sports equipment and a great time was had by all. Some of the camp events included: various shooting and fishing competitions, paintball and, of course, eating. | Read More...

Wrapping Up a Great Summer!

Summer has gone by quickly and the end is right around the corner! Let’s take a look back on what God has done at Kyte River Revival Campgrounds this summer of 2021! Each and every week God did a great work in lives through the preaching, and many decisions were made for the Lord. | Read More...

Ladies Retreat

Ladies Retreat, a wonderful time of relaxation and fellowship. Many ladies travelled from nearby towns in Illinois as well as neighboring states to attend the retreat. Mrs. Angela Morrow, wife of Pastor Jonn Morrow of New Hope Baptist Church in Kennan, WI was the speaker. | Read More...

Packed Out Week

Teen Week Two was a packed week with a maxed-out attendence of 250 campers! A camp-wide tournament of rock, paper, scissors occurred the last night of the week, and you'll never guess who the winner was - Pastor Gomez! Who knew a game of rock, paper, scissors could get so intense. | Read More...

Big Catch!

Check out this huge catfish caught by one of the campers at Teen Week One! The lake and river are full of fish waiting to be caught just like this one. The guest speaker of this week is Pastor Tom Gibson of North Liberty Baptist Church in North Liberty, Iowa. | Read More...

Chicken Quartet

When you think of a quartet you may think of a barbershop quartet; but here at Kyte River, we don't have a barbershop quartet, we have a Chicken Quartet singing with chickens on top of their heads! This week at Junior&Teen Camp was filled with so much fun! | Read More...

I'm So Glad I'm A Part of the Family of God

The Family of God... What a great song! No better time to spend with the family than at Family Camp. Thank God not only for the family He has given each of us, but also for the family of God into which we've been adopted! | Read More...

4th of July Service

This year we celebrated Independence Day at Kyte River Revival Campgrounds! Thank God for the freedom we have here in our country! Because of our forefathers who fought for our freedom years ago, we get to reap the benefits that they sowed. | Read More...

Exploding Apples?!

During the week of Bus Kid's Camp, Bro. Todd demonstrated how to break an apple without even touching it! The campers were amazed to see the apple explode out of thin air, but more exciting was what God did in the hearts of those bus kids. | Read More...

Opening Week of the Summer of '21

After the 2020 summer of no camps due to COVID restrictions, we are glad to tell you that camp was back up and running. Our first camp up was our Primary Junior Combo. Pastor Bill Stedman of Faith Baptist Church in Posen, IL was the guest preacher of this week. | Read More...

Winter Wonderland

January has brought plenty of snow to the campgrounds! God's handiwork is on display in the landscapes and the small details as you can see from the pictures. Sometimes we can get frustrated with the inconveniences that harsh weather can bring, but God has a reason for it all! | Read More...

Gift Wrap-Up

We are blessed to have such great supporters! A number of people went out of their way to send us Christmas gifts and extra blessings since early December. Our appreciation for your generosity goes beyond what we can write in an update or letter. | Read More...

Our Christmas Wish List

If you're looking to be a part of what God is doing through Kyte River Revival Campgrounds, consider purchasing or donating an item listed on our Amazon Christmas wish list ! There are items for every budget. | Read More...

2020 Upgrades

As the summer season winds down, we reflect on the beauty of God's creation and the hard work of God's people over the last 2 years we've called Kyte River our home. This property has been described as a "blank canvas," full of potential and opportunity. | Read More...

2021 Schedule Released

The 2021 camp schedule is officially released! All of the 2020 speakers were able to re-schedule for the 2021 season so no one will miss out on the great preaching and teaching we had planned for this summer. We are looking forward to seeing all of you at the various camps and retreats! | Read More...

Fishing Competitions

One of the highlights from EVERY camp and retreat we host is our fishing competition. From youngest to oldest and smallest to tallest, the fishing competition engages a wide range of campers! | Read More...

2020 Camp Season Cancelled

It's with a heavy heart that I come to you today to have to inform you that due to COVID-19, we will not be able to have camp as scheduled at Kyte River Revival Campgrounds. | Read More...

Dining Hall: Just in Time!

Just in time! The final details of the dining hall project are being wrapped up with just about one month until camp season begins! Our primary and junior campers will be the first to enjoy this beautiful dining hall and the benefits of the first-class kitchen facility. | Read More...

KRRC: On The Road (October 2019)

Yes, it's that time of year already! We are busy traveling to churches across the Midwest, presenting Kyte River Revival Campgrounds to many great churches. On September 29, we were with Pastor Ryan Rauhaus at Landmark Baptist Church in Petoskey, MI. They are excited about the upcoming camp season! | Read More...

New Construction: Dining Hall!

Progress on the dining hall facility has picked up and inside construction is underway! We're in the beginning stages of the framing, drywall, A/C, and electrical phases of the project. Many volunteers have sacrificed time and effort to help with this facility! | Read More...

Camp Property Update

As you'll see, since our last video there have been many improvements made to the campground and (surprising to many) we're currently operating with an equal amount of facilities as we had at Cedar River. Everything is in place for you to join us for one of our camps or retreats! | Read More...

Final Preparations

The work crews from Faith Baptist Church in Bourbonnais, IL and First Baptist Church in Amboy, IL were so helpful in putting the finishing touches on the Chapel. Thank you for sacrificing your time and doing an excellent job! | Read More...

T-Minus 13 Days And Counting!

The past few weeks have included a little bit of everything here at camp. Over 200 people have spent hours, days and even weeks of their time helping us get the campground ready for Primary & Junior Camp starting June 3! The boys and girls dormitories are completed and ready for campers. | Read More...

KRRC: On The Road (April 2019)

On April 7, we had a great day at Blackford Baptist Temple with Pastor Johnny Crane. Looking forward to being back in the fall for their Missions Conference! We also have another new church excited about joining us at Kyte River Revival Campgrounds this summer! | Read More...

Only YOU Can Prevent Forest Fires

This past week we conducted a prescribed burn of over 100 acres surrounding our lake! Many teams of men came and helped "fight" the fires! This process hasn't happened on this property for quite a few years so the fields certainly were ready to be given new life! | Read More...

KRRC: On The Road (March 2019)

We had a wonderful time this past weekend at Bethel Baptist Church in Pekin, IL with Pastor Rowell. They were an encouragement not only by their love and support but also for their prayers. | Read More...

Dining Hall Renderings

Here's the first look (from our architect) of our state of the art dining hall that will overlook the lake! This 7,500 square foot building will contain office space, the kitchen, and of course, the dining hall. The 100' front porch will be a great place to fellowship after a meal! | Read More...

Project Progress

A big thank you to the men of Grace Baptist Church (Lockport) and First Baptist Church (Dwight) for giving of their time to help with a work day at camp last week. Much progress is being made even in the last of the winter months! The camp season will be here before you know it! | Read More...

KRRC: On the Road

Several weeks ago, we were able to present the vision of Kyte River Revival Campgrounds to several churches in Iowa. In the morning, we attended Solid Rock Baptist Church in Ankeny, IA. Pastor Keith Baker planted this church just last year! | Read More...

Kyte River Video Introduction

Listen to Dr. Keith Gomez, Dr. Dan Woodward, and Bro. Todd Oprzedek share their vision about the new home of Kyte River Revival Campgrounds. Enjoy the video footage of the new campground and see the vision for yourself of what God is doing with this new property. | Read More...

Boys' Cabins Progress

A crew of men from our home church came out and started converting the existing pavilions into the boys' dormitories. The first step is to frame out the structure and then wrap it in plywood. This is the first of many building projects that will take place in 2019! | Read More...

We have a new logo!

Introducing the official logo of the new Kyte River Revival Campgrounds of Rochelle, IL! At our previous campground, we had ownership of the Cedar River shoreline but were never able to take full advantage of that due to the terrain. | Read More...

Moving Day

Thursday, December 6 through Saturday, December 8, over 50 people helped move Cedar River Baptist Camp 150 miles to the new Kyte River Revival Campgrounds. | Read More...

The First Work Day

Before we could move Cedar River Baptist Camp from Letts, IA, we needed to clean up the common areas of the new campgrounds in Rochelle. | Read More...

New Home Announcement

It is with great excitement we introduce to you the new home of Cedar River Baptist Camp! Having out grown our previous home of 53 acres in Iowa, God opened the doors for us to purchase a $2.55 million, 517-acre Boy Scout Camp. | Read More...